Private Coaching Program
Working together one to one we will customise a program
that works for you and the specific areas of your life you want to work on.
For example;
Do you ever feel like your anxiety may be affecting your relationships with family, friends and colleagues and has you constantly feeling defensive or having to justify your decisions?
Do you find yourself getting angry at the seemingly smallest of things and then getting cross with yourself for losing your temper!
Do you rush around planning life to the minutiae in an attempt to control everything and the minute it doesn’t go according to plan you feel like everything is falling apart.
Do you have recurring thoughts of not being good enough and constantly striving to be better?
Do you feel uncomfortable in group settings or meeting new people and find yourself saying no to social or work functions.
Do you stress over how to best support your children when you see them struggling with life’s circumstances and feeling like every new practice you put in place is not working well enough or fast enough.
If you relate to any of the above, or have other areas you would like to work on, our sessions together will uncover how our experience of life shows up and the impact this has on our behaviour
- What you’ll get -
A quieting of the mind. Allowing the noise to settle and listening to what is coming up new for you
Letting go of the control freak. Living from a more expanded space and seeing how limitless life can really be
Deepening of relationships. Falling even deeper into the space of love for your partner, children and others
More freedom to create. Listening for the new ideas and parking the habitual thinking
Sense of inner peace and love. When your mind quietens life just gets better and better
Deeper understanding of who you truly are. Tapping into your limitless and infinite potential. Knowing that no matter what, you are always ok
– The Structure –
We will work together over 6 x 60 minute sessions, looking at the true nature of thought, the true nature of the human experience and uncover a quieter, more relaxed way of being in the world.
Stepping away from what is holding you back and opening yourself up to the infinite possibilities on offer to you.
Your investment is GBP 397 for 6 x 60 minute one to one calls.
– To begin –
We will start with a 30 minute call to ensure this is the right direction for you and discuss any questions you may have about this opportunity
I look forward to connecting and getting to know you.
Click here to book an introductory 30 minute call.