What is vs How we wish it to be !
A story about how life can still be enjoyed without all the trappings!
My husband just spent 3 weeks in quarantine. He travelled back from Europe into Hong Kong, where we currently live, and the current rules require him to complete 3 weeks quarantine in a hotel.
There is never anything to fix
There is never anything to fix as there is never anything broken.
Brokenness in itself is created from the illusory nature of thought.
So how come I see brokenness and things that need fixing, around me.
No wonder no one is listening
Are we ever really listening? When I first came upon this understanding, it took me quite a while before I saw anything for myself…
The Nature of Thought
Understanding the nature of thought frees us from the illusion of our thinking” – Michael Neill. I named this community the Nature of Thought as once I saw for myself what was holding me back in life…