A place of freedom from insecurity, anxiety and stress through seeing a different way of operating in the world

“Imagine waking up, knowing that no matter what the circumstances, you will be OK. That you have all the resources already inside yourself to navigate life’s challenges with ease. To easily and immediately tap into your inner wellbeing, resilience and wisdom.”


Ruth Harris

helps clients create freedom from insecurity, anxiety and stress through her practical and down to earth approach.

Throughout her life, Ruth struggled with insecurity, debilitating anxiety and never feeling good enough.

This stopped her from moving forward, grabbing opportunities and connecting with others.

Ruth has now discovered there is an easier way to life.

A way that allows her to grab hold of new opportunities, to have ease in social situations, to step into the unknown with both feet and to know that no matter what the circumstances, no matter what life brings, she will be alright. 

And that is the understanding that Ruth shares in The Nature of Thought. 

Click here to find out more about Ruth


How I can support you



We will work together looking at the true nature of thought, the true nature of the human experience and uncover a quieter, calmer and more relaxed way of being in the world.


A step by step program to experience a more gentle way to live; to our relationships, to our work and to our life. Pointing towards our innate wisdom, innate health and innate wellbeing and in so doing, bringing out the best in ourselves and those around us.



This program has been created as an essential building block to parenting, allowing us to tap into our innate wisdom, the place where we naturally know how to parent.



From the journal…


“Understanding the nature of thought frees us from the illusion of our thinking”

Michael Neill – The Space Within